Imprivata Privileged Access Management Product Update 2.3.201903102229

March 10, 2019

PAM Update: Improves reporting SSH tunnel parameters and notifications for report subscription

This is the most technical update that adds more information about SSH tunnel parameters to the tunnel session reporting and improves the accessibility of scheduled reports notifications.

Added support to report tunnel parameters when establishing SSH tunnels through the SSH proxy

This update adds the destination host (IP) and port information about tunnel sessions established using SSH Proxy to the session report to better analyze the intentions of the user setting us the tunnel.

Improved a file name convention and placeholders of generated scheduled reports

The update adds a date to generated scheduled report file names sent as an attachment for subscribers to avoid caching issues for some email clients displaying these reports.

The update also adds the option to specify folder or record information in the email notification describing the attached object-scoped report.