Subscribe and Unsubscribe to Alerts and Notifications

Alerts, Notifications and Reports within Access Manager can be configured on either Records, Folders or System Events (System Administrators only).

These notifications will alert the user to activity that has taken place against that object within a short period of time.

This is useful if a record contains a sensitive file or can establish a session to a privileged computer and you need to be aware of its activities.

Alerts will appear in the Alerts box located along the top of PAM as well as the Alerts section located in Management > My Alerts.

If a Mail Server has been properly configured, then these alerts will also be delivered via email to the user.




Reports will be delivered via email (to the address associated to the user’s account) in the format and time period requested.

To subscribe to an alert for a Record or Folder:

  1. Login to PAM as a user with permissions to the Record or Folder that you would like to subscribe to alerts.
  2. Open the Record or Folder and click the Alert button located in the toolbar. For Folders, this button is located along the top toolbar and for Records it is located along the bottom.
  3. Folder-Record-Notification-Button.png

  4. Choose your Category, Level and optionally an Event Filter. Click Select to complete the subscription.

  5. Click OK to confirm the subscription has been created.

Subscribe alert

To subscribe to an alert for System Events:

  1. Login to PAM as a System Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Management > My Profile > Subscriptions.
  3. Click the Subscribe button.
  4. Choose your Category, Level and optionally an Event Filter. Click Select to complete the subscription.
  5. FAQ-SystemEvents-Notification

  6. Click OK to confirm the subscription has been created.

Subscribe report

To subscribe to an email delivered report for a Record, Folder or PAM:

  1. Login to PAM as a user with permissions to the Record or Folder log that you would like to subscribe. Users with the role System Administrator or Auditor can only subscribe to Global Reports.
  2. Open the Object’s log or the Global report that you would like to subscribe to and click the Email button located in the toolbar. This button is located along the top toolbar near the Refresh button.
  3. FAQ-Subscribe-Report-Button

  4. Select your Period, Format and Save to Folder option, and then click the Select button to complete the subscription:

    • Period: Choose between Daily, Weekly or Monthly.

      • Daily will be queued for generation once a day (12am the System server time) and the report will be filtered to the last day of events (based on the time the report is created)

      • Weekly will be queued for generation once a week (Sunday 12am the System server time) and the report will be filtered to the last week of events (based on the time the report is created)

      • Monthly will be queued for generation once a month (first of the month, 12am the System server time) and the report will be filtered to the last month of events (based on the time the report is created)

    • Format: Choose the format of the delivered report, either CSV, PDF or Zip Protected. Zip protected will save the selected report format to a password protected zip file. Enter the password for this Zip file when prompted.


    • Save to Folder: Choose this option to save the generated report into the shared folder specified by the global parameter Report Folder instead of emailing the report to the subscriber.

  5. Click OK to confirm the subscription has been created.

The first report will be queued for immediate delivery and each subsequent report will be delivered based on your selected Period.

View and unsubscribe

To view all or unsubscribe any subscriptions:

  1. Login to PAM as any user with subscribed alerts.
  2. Navigate to Management > My Profile > Subscriptions to see a complete list of all current subscriptions for the logged in user account.
  3. Choose either Alerts or Reports from the Subscriptions dropdown menu.
  4. Select one or more subscriptions by clicking the box next to their entry.
  5. Click Unsubscribe to remove the selected subscriptions.
  6. FAQ-Unsubscribe02