Imprivata Privileged Access Management Product Update 2.3.201901272252

January 27, 2019

PAM Update: Adds custom time window for workflows and custom time range expression builder

Highlights of this update include the option to specify a flexible time window for workflow binding using cron expressions and visual custom time window expression builder to job queue execution as well as workflow binding time window specification.

Added the option to specify a flexible time window for workflows

This update adds support for flexible custom time window specifications for workflow bindings.

This option allows to apply restrictively, human approval or request reason collecting workflows to custom time of the day or specific days of a week or a month.

Earlier, PAM workflow bindings could be applied to generic Work Hours, After Hours, Weekends and Holidays hours. In addition to these generic types, this new option allows flexible time window specifications such as between 1 am and 3 am Mondays and Wednesdays.

The custom time window specification is based on the popular cron format.

Construction of the cron string is simplified by the newly introduced visual Cron Expression Builder.

Added visual custom time window expression builder

The update adds a visual custom time window expression builder to simplify the construction of flexible time ranges for workflow binding applications and for the job execution time windows.

While expressions like * * 1-5 ? * SUN,MON,TUE * is a familiar cron format the ability to build such expressions using visual designer might be a good help.