Imprivata Privileged Access Management Product Update 2.3.202101312309

January 31, 2021

PAM Update: Added the option to change password for Active Directory system user, added support for Delegated Approval workflow

This update adds the option for Active Directory users to change their own password in Active Directory and adds support for Delegated Approval workflow.

Added the option for Active Directory users to change their own password

The update added the option for system users hosted in integrated Active Directory to change their own password using the Management / My Profile screen.

The option extends self password management for system users accessing the system from remote locations.

Added support for Delegated Approval workflow

The update added a new Workflow Template type Delegated Approval.

Delegated Approval workflow allows users to delegate their approval action to the system.

The system approves all requests for these workflows automatically on the behalf of the specified approvers.

Approvers receive notifications as well as permissions to review, join and terminate sessions granted by this automatically approved request in the way that approvers of interactive workflows do.

Delegated Approval workflow allows adding of notifications and permissions of automatic approvals to designated individuals.

Added the option to combine event-based and periodic jobs

The update added the option to schedule both periodic and event-based jobs for the same record.

The option allows performing a periodic password reset to comply with government and industry regulations and at the same time maintain a new password after end-point related activities such as establishing a session or disclosing an existing password.

The update also introduces a Minimum Password Age option defined by a record level field MinPasswordAge (Type: Number, Display Name: Minimum Password Age to respect the password change policies of the end-point system.

The system re-schedules password reset jobs at the time of the job execution to comply with the Minimum Password Age requirement defined for the record.

Added the option to convert session recordings to MP4 format

The update extends the option to export session recording by adding MP4 video format to the existing AVI and MOV formats.