PAM Health Check Page

PAM Status or Health Check Page.

PAM comes with a default status or healthcheck page that can be used by systems like Load Balancers to determine if the application is online or offline.

The health check page includes information like Host Name, Current Time and Operating System.

If the page does not load or respond, then the application can be considered to be offline.

The PAM health check page can be accessed from $PAM_URL/healthcheck.

For example,


  • The health check process attempts to directly connect to the endpoint of the following components: SSH, RDP, HTTP Proxy, all integrated LDAP servers and also verifies the other nodes check-in times.

  • The results of the health check are reported on the node monitoring page and also posted on the Audit Log.

  • In addition to the notifications about the failed components posted to the audit log on the Warning level, the system also posts periodic (once an hour) heartbeat audit log messages on the Information level confirming the expected operation of system components and integrated user directories.

  • Administrators can subscribe to the audit log Health Check events or to SIEM system messages to receive notifications about failure in the system components or heartbeat stream to confirm normal operation.