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How to Update the XTAM Session Manager Module

At times, XTAM updates it core Session Manager module to implement new functionality or to address new security protocols. As these updates are infrequent, they are not included as part of the weekly XTAM software updates. The procedure outlined in this article should be used to update the Session Manager module when updates are released.


To Update Session Manager on a Windows Server


Login to the Windows host server where the Session Manager module is deployed.


Download the latest version of the Session Manager component from here:


Extract the zip file to a temporary location on this host server. For example, extract to c:\tmp resulting in the folder c:\tmp\guacd.


Stop the PamSession service.


Rename the folder

  • $XTAM_HOME\guacd\bin to $XTAM_HOME\guacd\bin0
  • $XTAM_HOME\guacd\lib to $XTAM_HOME\guacd\lib0
  • $XTAM_HOME\guacd\usr to $XTAM_HOME\guacd\usr0

From within the extracted archive,

move the folder c:\tmp\guacd\bin to $XTAM_HOME\guacd. This will create the new folder $XTAM_HOME\guacd\bin
move the folder c:\tmp\guacd\lib to $XTAM_HOME\guacd. This will create the new folder $XTAM_HOME\guacd\lib
move the folder c:\tmp\guacd\usr to $XTAM_HOME\guacd. This will create the new folder $XTAM_HOME\guacd\usr


Start the PamSession service.


Test the new update by starting a new in-browser XTAM session.

  • If the test is successful, you can then delete the temporary folder c:\tmp\guacd and the old binaries at $XTAM_HOME\guacd\bin0, $XTAM_HOME\guacd\lib0, $XTAM_HOME\guacd\usr0
  • If the test is unsuccessful, you can rollback the update to the previous version by stopping the PamSession service, delete the new
    $XTAM_HOME\guacd\bin, $XTAM_HOME\guacd\lib, $XTAM_HOME\guacd\usr directories, rename the backup from

    • $XTAM_HOME\guacd\bin0 to $XTAM_HOME\guacd\bin,
    • $XTAM_HOME\guacd\lib0 to $XTAM_HOME\guacd\lib,
    • $XTAM_HOME\guacd\usr0 to $XTAM_HOME\guacd\usr and finally starting the PamSession service.


To Update Session Manager on a Linux Server (x86 or ARM)


Update your XTAM software to the latest available version before updating your Session Manager component.


Login to the Linux host server where the Session Manager module is deployed.


Download the latest version of the Session Manager component using appropriate link below:


Extract the archive file to a temporary location on this host server. For example, extract to /tmp resulting in the folder /tmp/guac.


Stop the pamsession service.


Rename the folder $XTAM_HOME/guac to $XTAM_HOME/guac0


Move the folder /tmp/guac to $XTAM_HOME.


Copy the folder with two security keys inside from $XTAM_HOME/guac0/etc/ssl to #XTAM_HOME/guac/etc so that newly copied folder $XTAM_HOME/guac/etc/sslwill contain both public and private keys.


Run shell command $XTAM_HOME/guac/setup/


Start the pamsession service.


Test the new update by starting a new in-browser XTAM session.

  • If the test is successful, you can then delete the temporary folder /tmp/guac and the old binaries at $XTAM_HOME/guac/bin0, $XTAM_HOME/guac/lib0, $XTAM_HOME/guad/usr0
  • If the test is unsuccessful, you can rollback the update to the previous version by stopping the pamsession, delete the new $XTAM_HOME/guac directory, rename the backup from $XTAM_HOME/guac0 to $XTAM_HOME/guac and finally starting the pamsession service.


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