Session Manager Not Connecting

I can’t connect to a session and the process is stuck on Connecting to Session Manager.

What should I do?

If a user attempts to establish a session and the browser displays the message “Connecting to Session Manager”, but it does not connect to the host, then please try the following suggestions.

IIS Buffer configuration

  1. Login to the computer where Privileged Access Management is running.
  2. Open its Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  3. Navigate down the menu to Server Name > Server Farms and select pamServerFarm.
  4. On the pamServerFarm “Server Farm” page, open the Proxy section.
  5. FAQ-IIS-pamServerFarm-Proxy

  6. Locate the Buffer Setting section and make the following changes:

    • Response buffer (KB): 1
    • Response buffer threshold (KB): 0
    • FAQ-IIS-pamServerFarm-ProxyBufferConfig

  7. Restart IIS and try to establish the session again.

If you have any codes in your connection status, check for their meaning.