Records in the Extension for Users

Records appearing in the Extension for my users.

The list of records that appear and can be selected from within the Imprivata Privileged Access Management Extension is determined by a few elements defined in Imprivata Privileged Access Management(server).


In order for records to appear, the following record and properties need to be created within PAM (server).

  • A record that contains the URL to the login web portal. Most commonly, users will use the WEB Portal record type but any record type can be used as long it contains the URL (for example, you could enter the URL into a record’s Description field).
  • Within this record, the following properties need to be defined:
    • Name: Enter an easily recognizable name for this record that will be used for selection in the extension.

    • URL: Enter the URL to the login or sign in page that contains the web login form. Please note if your record type does not contain a URL field, you can enter the URL into the Description.

    • User: Enter the username to be populated.

    • Password: Enter the password for the username.


      An example WEB Portal record created in PAM server to auto-populate a Microsoft Office 365 or Azure login.

  • This record must be Shared to all users/groups (that you want to grant access to) with at least the Unlock role. You may now configure PAM to include users with Viewer permission.


Once this record has been created and shared, simply open your browser and navigate to the login page. Click the Imprivata Privileged Access Management extension to open and finally click the Record Name to auto-populate the credentials.


If only one record for this login was found, the Extension will automatically populate the credentials once opened. If two or more records are found, then the user must select and click the Record Name to populate the desired credentials.


A user’s view of one record displayed in the Extension (left) and multiple records (right).


The Extension and Imprivata Privileged Access Management (server) communicate in real-time and do not sync nor store credentials locally on the user’s computer.

If changes are made to the record or the record’s shared permissions, the user can simply open/close the Extension or click the Refresh button to load the modifications.