Imprivata Privileged Access Management Product Update 2.3.202009202248

September 20, 2020

PAM Update: Adds calendar style weekly access analytics report

This update adds calendar style weekly access analytics report to quickly identify deviations in users behavior accessing assets during the week.

Added calendar style weekly access analytics report

The update adds calendar style weekly access analytics report to quickly identify deviations in users behavior accessing assets during the week.

The report displays the distribution of sessions during the hours of the day and day of the week in a concise chart that helps to identify peak access as well as deviations in users behavior such as unexpected access at night or during the weekend

The report is available on the Reports / Statistics screen and covers users access activity during last week.

Added improvements into Inventory report

The update adds a column displaying the host for each record on the Inventory report to visualize the connection between the System record and the actual asset.

The update also adds the date of the last successful password rotation for relevant records tagged red for password rotations that happened more than 60 days ago.

This option allows for an analysis of password again information for the managed assets.